Дата публикации: 01.10.2021

PHP Dating script


I know what the maximum transmission unit is though, after a rather long time tweaking VPN settings to get certain UK-based streaming services to work properly. For what it’s worth, I had my first wing connection issue in months on Saturday night – I couldn’t drop in on my comrades’ instance until we disbanded the wing and started it gain, with me as the owner inviting other players.

It was unusually laggy – like enemy ships jumping up to 2KM laggy – for about ten minutes, and then everything sorted itself out and calmed down again. Which is why I’m sort of running out of things to test.

Everyone is invited! The Steam discussions are for everyone, new and advanced user alike! Searching is key! Before you post a question, use the forum search feature to determine whether your topic has already been covered.

There was a map named “Train Station,” which was created in but was released before the New Year celebrations in After the release, a bug had been noticed; the prop of the tower could be shot through with Shaft. Two days later, the use of this bug became punishable and a week after that, the bug had been completely fixed. In , Developers decided to make a contest in which it was necessary to turn the turret constantly.

A special map called Carousel was developed for this contest. It was assumed that players would not be able to use the supplies on that map neither purchased, nor bonus boxes. The map was never released. It is worth noting that the main designer of this map was the legendary mapmaker Figishe, who created a lot of maps. Now the map is considered to be lost. The project of Ricochet turret first appeared in The turret was planned to be called “Vulcan”.